Currently #4

Currently is an every-so-often series of posts that highlights all the things I’m into right now. 

This post may contain affiliate links.

Hello and welcome to the final day of 2018! I hope your season has been very merry. 🙂

Mine has been a whirlwind - I have a feeling yours has been too. The last two weeks have been a fun, yet exhausting mix of family, friends and festivities. As much as I love the holidays, I love it even more when they're over.

I have big plans this week that include purging all of my closets and getting my body back to a state of high functioning health. There's nothing like clearing out all the gunk to make room for what's to come. 

2019. Good grief! Let's stop worrying about the future for a hot second and just soak in the last of what 2018 has to offer. 

Here are all of the things currently swirling around my brain:

Currently Thinking About...

  • At the end of 2017, I kinda glossed over the whole goal/intention setting thing and it undoubtedly had a negative effect on my whole year. I'm not making the same mistake this time. To help me stay on track, I'm looking for a good goal setting app. Do you have any you recommend? 
  • One of my biggest goals for 2019 is getting my immune system in check. This past year I caught more colds than I can ever remember catching in a year. I was sick on our trip to Mexico in February and our trip to Italy in October. I was sick in May and then again in August, and it became concerning. Brewing my own Kombucha at home is part of my plan because it's great for boosting gut health and immunity, but it is SO damn expensive to buy. 
  • More good news for gardeners: Not only will it give you tomatoes, tending a garden will help you live longer too. 
  • Most people will take on healthier eating habits this new year so they can lose weight, look better and feel better in their bodies, but we should really be eating better for our brains
  • Will 2019 be the year I take up surfing again? We got a Goof Board for Christmas and it's already giving me the itch. It also almost killed me. (affiliate link)
  • Will the PC bubble finally pop this year? Doubt it, but in the meantime let's leave comedians out of it. I saw Nimesh Patel open for Aziz Ansari earlier this month and he absolutely killed. (He also had a great interview on Joe Rogan's podcast.)
  • 2018 in review, according to Dave Barry.

Currently Listening To...

Currently Watching...

Currently Cooking...

  • I've had quite a month boozing, neglecting vegetables and gobbling up all the cookies I could get my hands on, so I'm actually really looking forward to cleaning up my diet this week. I'll be kicking things off with an Herb Roasted Chicken, a Detox-ish Kale Salad, a big pot of this Tuscan Bean and Kale Soup and a loaf of Chocolate Paleo Banana Bread.
  • I've determined there are 2 major factors that must be in place in order for me to stick to a clean-eating regimen. One, the food MUST be interesting and flavorful, and two, I have to plan ahead. Just like the old saying goes, failing to plan means planning to fail. Bon Appetit's Healthyish Feel Good Food Plan breaks down interesting recipes into easily planned meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks. I'm a big fan. 

I'm excited for 2019 and all of the new things it will bring. I hope you are too! 

Happiest New Year to you and yours, from me and mine!

Coley <3

A dog looking at the camera

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  1. Happy New Year Nicole! Thanks for all the nice treats you prepared for us in a way that motivates us to take a shot preparing them for ourselves. Others, wish I had a local Coley!!! .Always wanted a taste at the end. 🙂
    All the best for 2019!

    1. Happy New Year Bonnie! Thank you for filling and for your kind words! I'm happy you're a part of my community. 🙂 <3

  2. I love Phoebe's Christmas photos so much. What a gorgeous beast. Thanks for all the good links. I'm already clearing out Christmas and cleaning my house, and tonight is my last hurrah with the wine and snack-treats. I'll be with you on the immune-boosting regimen.

    1. Glad you like Phoebe's pics! We had a fun little photoshoot one morning. Maybe one day I'll actually get motivated to make cards and send them out. Happy New Year to you, Toby and the kitties! 😀

  3. So cool of you to give our niece Ashley a shout out. She truly is an inspiring young woman. As are you! Thanks for all of the great recipes. Have a happy, healthy and very delicious new year!!!