Currently #9

Currently is a monthly post that highlights all the things I’m into right now. 

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I feel like I just posted Currently #8 yesterday, but alas, here we are.

Somehow, somewhere, someone snapped their fingers and now it's summer. I'm not complaining!

We had a splendid Memorial Day Weekend with record numbers at Soulberri, a fun cooking demo at the Brigantine Farmers Market and an actual beach day on Monday. Not the kind where you're huddled up under blankets and spitting out grains of sand every 5 minutes. We had a real beach day with sunblock and bathing suits and toes dipped into the ocean. It resulted in those blotchy, uneven tan burn-lines that are inevitable after exposing your skin to sun for the first time in months. These kinds of beach days rarely - if ever - happen on Memorial Day Weekend. #climatechange

How are you? Are you okay? A lot has been happening in the world and it can be hard to shut your brain off from it all. I hope you're well in both mind and body, enjoying these very long days and looking forward to the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. 

My advice to you this weekend: pick some flowers, move your body, listen to music, get a little bit weird and take a deep breath. Take another one. Tomorrow is June. JUNE! Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

Pictured above is my sage plant from last year that overwintered and flowered. This is a first for me, as my sage always dies at the end of the season. Life is full of little victories. Let's not forget to celebrate them all.

You can find heaviness elsewhere. This month, I'm keeping the offerings light:

Currently Buzzing About...

  • Have you planted a garden yet this year? I highly recommend it as both therapy and a food source. If you live anywhere near the sea, my other recommendation is to scoop up as much seaweed as you can get your grubby paws on and get it into your garden, STAT: Seaweed is the Best Garden Amendment, Hands Down. (
  • While I was collecting seaweed this week I stumbled upon a forest of edible sea beans in the bay. I picked a few to take home and we all tried them - myself, Chaser, Phoebe and my MIL Karen. We all spit them out because tbh they tasted like low tide, but I'd be willing to try again: Foraging for Sea Beans. (
  • I would argue that I treat my dog better than most people, because she is better than most people: Why Humans Treat Their Dogs Like People. (The New Yorker)
  • Now that we're living in the future, food has gotten real complicated. I tried a bite of the Beyond Burger at a recent taping of the Chef's Kitchen, and it tasted bizarrely similar to beef and it creeped me out to the max. I won't be having another anytime soon: Meatsplainer: How New Plant Based Burgers Compare to Beef. (NBC News)
  • If you're doing any traveling this summer, it's always a good idea to be mindful of proper plane etiquette. I still stand behind my decision to take off my shoes during long haul flights, but for crying out loud put them back on before going to the bathroom, you heathens: Please Just Stop - A Flight Attendant Spills the Most Annoying and Disgusting Things People Do On Planes. (The Everygirl)
  • If I had a nickel for every time I've dropped a nickel, I wonder how much I'd have: People Leave Nearly 1 Million in Loose Change in TSA Bins Every Year. (Vox)
  • I bought a skirt with heirloom tomatoes on it and I've never felt more on-brand in my entire life. If you see me this summer, chances are I'll be wearing this: Match Made Midi Skirt. (Modcloth 

Currently Listening To...

I realized last month that I gave you an April playlist on the last day of April, and well, that was just plain stupid. Instead of making monthly playlists, I'm now making mood playlists, and my mood right now is summer. This mix is loaded up with plenty of reggae, classic rock, some upbeat indie rock and all the sweet sounds of summer. Listen to it on the beach, on the deck, by the pool or bonfire and feel your troubles melt away faster than the ice in your drink. 

Follow me on Spotify @ColeyCooks.

Currently Watching...

  • Apparently 15 minute-long comedy tv shows are becoming a thing. This banger by former SNL cast member Tim Robinson had both Chaser and myself crying laughing. Expect to see cameos from many past SNL cast members and other comedic geniuses: I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson. (Netflix)
  • If you've ever owned a dog, lived in NYC or just love unique takes on comedy, you have to check out this new show about a guy in Brooklyn who loves his dog, Bruno. It's a simple, understated and warmhearted comedy that I've become completely obsessed with (especially the theme song). Episodes are only 15 minutes long, so you have nothing to lose: It's Bruno. (Netflix).

Currently Cooking...

  • With a trip to the Greek islands right around the corner, I'm trying my best to eat as healthy as possible in attempt to look half decent in a bathing suit and also make room for all of the baklava I'm going to eat. I've been cedar planking wild salmon like crazy. It's really easy, tastes incredible and is one of the most nutrient dense proteins you can put in your body. My friends at Wild For Salmon are offering an amazing 20% discount if you use the promo code Coley20 at checkout. They are my absolute favorite source for buying wild Alaskan salmon and other seafood online because the quality is incredible. (affiliate link)
  • Linda from Wild Greens and Sardines made Chive Blossom Infused Vinegar and I can't wait to pick my chive blossoms and make some too. 
  • As of lately, my lunches have consisted mostly of this easy Italian Tuna + Green Bean Salad because it's super lean but also super satisfying. It will be even better when I'm picking the beans right from my garden. 
  • The flavor of preserved lemons has been a recent obsession of mine and now I'm dying to make Dale's Preserved Lemon Chicken Skewers to help me get in the mood for Mediterranean. 
  • I'm trying really hard to refrain from sweets right now, but with all the gorgeous fruit in season it's been REALLY HARD YOU GUYS. Cue the tiny violin. If you're still riding the dessert train, give this Apricot Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp a try and take an extra bite for me. Swap out any of the ingredients for your favorite in-season fruits. I made one a few weeks ago with mangoes, raspberries and strawberries and it was absolutely lovely.

Get outside this weekend! Even if it's hot. Even if it's raining.

Live a little. And be well. I appreciate you. 

<3 Coley




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One Comment

  1. Yay for a great opening at Soulberri!
    That tomato skirt was made for you.
    Since my garden is withering and dying already from the heat, I'm going to dump a bunch of seaweed on all the beds before I put tarps over them so they can bake in all that goodness over summer.
    Our sea beans in Florida are nasty eaten raw. In Alaska they call it beach asparagus. It looks the same but tastes so much better, even fresh-picked. They usually brine or pickle it. We brought a bunch home and ate them straight from the jar, and I also threw them in omelettes and salads. So good. Need to figure out if I can make the stuff that grows here taste that good.
    Never enough G. Love & the special sauce. Happy summer my friend!